Cheap Trick drummer Bun E. Carlos; best drummer in rock. What's that you say, I'm nuts? What about (list your favorite, yet less competent drummer here)? They suck. No one is cooler; no one is better; no one defies logic like Bun E.
Why all the fawning over a guy who looks like your 7th grade algebra teacher? Just listen to "Auf Wiedersehen." I know it's not the mid-numbing assault on the senses ala Lars Ulrich. No triple kick drum beats, but he ain't no human metronome either. His drumming drives the song along and works seamlessly with the bass (a 12 stringer, no less) lines Tom Petersson was laying down. It's pretty fucking cool. Trust me.
You know the hits: Surrender, I Want You to Want me, Ain't That a Shame. Heaven Tonight? Awesome album and the one with Auf Wiedersehen. Great drumming throughout. The best examples though are on the Live at Budokan album. There you hear his drumming, warts and all. There's a major gaffe in the drum roll in the middle of Surrender. Does it stop the music? Hell no. Bun E. plows ahead, undeterred to the end. In Color, their major label breakthrough is also a showcase of Bun E.'s prowess. The man shows at each turn how he can sneak in the beats and add his signature to each of the power pop classics.
I know there are those out there who have written off Cheap Trick as some kind of a gimmick band. You know, two pop idols; two dorks. I say that just gets you in. The music makes you stay, and if you're like me, Bun E. keeps you coming back.
Bun E. Carlos, you are one cool brother.
With a little more work and time, this post would have totally kicked ass.
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