Monday, June 26, 2006

Hey loyal readers,

Lookee here; two posts in as many days. Call it a spurt of creative energy.

In reality, this post is just to say I've opened up my comments to all users, not just registered ones. This could be bad, but I'm an egotistical bastard and invite comments to my blog.

The only reason I changed it in the first place was to prevent the religious zealots out there from cluttering up my comments when I took aim at their precious little waste of time I like to call, "Christianity." When I ranted against Christian drivers, I was besieged by Bible thumpers for having the wrong idea. OK, besieged is too strong a word. I got one comment from some dude wanting me to get saved and visit his web site. Still, it made me mad and I sent him a very terse e-mail telling him I didn't appreciate his comment and that my soul was doing just fine the way it is. Harrumph.

So, now I gleefully open the flood gates, awaiting whatever backlash I bring upon myself.

Go ahead.

Comment away.

Don't hold back.



OK, so I don't get a load of comments. For that matter, I don't get many readers. But, I soldier on in the face of this blissful ignorance because this blog allows me some sort of release. A flexing of the creative muscle, if you will. Now that I have a nifty new laptop with a cool wireless thingy, I can go about horking someone else's internet connection and update this fuzzy little piece of the world much more often. Can't say much about the quality of the postings, but at least they'll be more frequent.

I hope.

Feel free to comment. Anyone?


bornfool said...

I know for a fact that you've gained a couple of readers in the last day or two.

madameplushbottom said...

Oh sure... look... I tell BF about your blog and being the comment whore that he is he leaves a comment before me. Consider your readership upped by 2 so far and I have a big mouth and a whole crew of readers who would find your writing entertaining and possibly thought provoking. I'll begin recruitments efforts immediately.

madameplushbottom said...

hello? Hello? Houston, we have a problem. Have you turned into Rip Van Winkle?

Davie said...

You still posting here Ron?

rbnlaw said...

OK, I'm back. I was in the bathroom.

So, 4 years later, any takers?