Wednesday, September 08, 2010

I haven't particularly cared to post anything lately, but I have been feeling pretty good about my job. Hell, in this economy, having a job feels pretty good. Aside from that, I did stumble on an epiphany the other day: You tend to do a shitty job at work if you hate what you do.

See, I kind of like my job. For the past few years, I've had that, "Oh shit, it's Sunday night. Time to start dreading" feeling every weekend. Just this past week, I stopped having it. Labor Day? It used to kill me. Not anymore. Don't know why; it just doesn't.

Maybe I feel lucky to be employed, but I doubt that's it. I think it has more to do with learning to go with the flow. Take it a day at a time (no, I'm not a 12 stepper) and learn to enjoy. Yoga might have more to do with it than any amount of liquor I've had in recent months (there's the 12 step thing again). Somehow, I'm enjoying what I do; eliminating the things I hate doing; and finding new paths to take a stroll down. In all, it's making for a good time in my life despite having no more money to show for it.
