Sunday, December 11, 2005

I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, but nothing has really been bothering me lately. I mean beside the obvious bullshit that we deal with in life. You know, overbearing Christians, stupid drivers, illegeal aliens, legal aliens, aliens period, and the futility of the NFL. What gives? Luckily, I still have 2 months on our free Cinemax offer from the Dish Network.

That means I have totally bad softcore porn after 8 pm every night. Not that I watch it. . .much. Just when I want to see boobies, I can go there; see them; go to bed. Just have to make sure the kids are asleep, or out of the house.

I guess I could get all fired up about Christmas and how much fucking money it's costing me, but really money doesn't bother me that much. I can always make money.

I could fire off another missive about young Americans getting killed in Iraq, but that seems to be slowing and we seem to be getting the upper hand. Who knew. Things keep going like this and we might be out, at least mostly, by 2008. But, we'll always have a presence in Iraq to stay close to our oil.

I could be bugged about getting old and how my body seems to be getting hurt whenever I try even the simplest lift. Shoulder, upper back, lower back, achilies tendons (yeah, both); all seem to grumble when I workout. It's a lot of fucking fun being 43. Can't wait until I'm 44. That's life. I know I'm in better shape than most men my age; at least my friends who are my age are all overweight and have bad knees. So, that doesn't bug me. . .much.

I don't think it's total apathy. Just over-contentment right now. Give it time. Someone, something, somewhere is going to piss me off.

Then it's on, motherfucker.

or not.

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