Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Catching up, it's been a while.

First, my employer blocked access to all blogs as "Adult Content," making it difficult to update as I have to do it at home when I'm tired. My employer really should look at these blogs a little closer; they'd find little "adult content" among the postings, especially mine.

One they might like, though is http://muhammadandme.blogspot.com/. It's a daily comic with a guy and Muhammad, Prophet of Islam. They do all kinds of wacky things. Get bombed, make cupcakes, get suits, ride bikes; you know, the normal things anyone who lived with a prophet would do. It's funny. You should see it.

Next, about this American Idol thing, I'll admit it; I watch it. I have to, I have a wife and three daughters. It's going to be on in the house. It's hard to avoid. Problem is, I actually enjoy it from time to time. The singers are getting better each season (guess that blows the lid off of how long I've been watching) and Simon Cowell speaks the truth. In all, not a bad show.

My gripes with the show begin with the smug, piece of shit, metrosexual, DJ wannabe, Ryan Seacrest. This dipwad operates under the illusion he speaks for the vast majority of viewers when he tries to rebuke the judges, mainly Cowell, and defend the poor singers. Wrong. He's annoying to the point of distraction. Besides, he's totally gay and denies it like a schoolgirl with a crush on the new kid in school. Only his boyfriend knows for sure, and he ain't talkin' long as Ryan's dick is in his mouth. Where's that Dunkleman character when you need him?

Next, how about changing up the song selection? Every other song is a Gloria Estefan, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston shitbag pop tune that was a hit 15 years ago. Sheesh. Try something new. I say look up the band Split Enz. They made some of the finest pop tunes of any group to ever record, and no one remembers who they were. Except me. They could even try a Crowded House song or two (since that band featured Neil Finn, one half of the creative team behind Split Enz). You could do a lot worse.

Sorry. I just lost interest in my own topic. I thought I could go on, but the inspiration has left me. My muse speaks to me no more. It could be that the performances tonight were wholly unimpressive, or that I couldn't fit the word "fuck" more. I'm not sure, but there it is in all its glory.

Oh, I need to right about the idiots of South Dakota and their whole "following God's will" bullshit with their idiotic abortion law.

Just wait.

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